
VoIP uses a lot of complex networking in order to accomplish its tasks. The networking module handles all of these complex operations.


exception pyVoIP.networking.nat.NATError

This is thrown when NAT is either unable to resolve a hostname or when a remote hostname has not been specified and an attempt was made to connect to a remote host.



Used for determining remote or local tags in SIP messages.




TransportMode is used by pyVoIP to determine what communication protocol to use. TransportMode has the following properties:


This is the string value of the TransportMode. For example, UDP or TLS.


This is the SocketKind associated with the TransportMode.


This is either PROTOCOL_TLS when using TLS or None otherwise.

Here is a list of current supported transport modes:









The NAT class is used automatically understand and translate IPs and hostnames for LAN to WAN connections and vice versa.

class pyVoIP.networking.nat.NAT(bind_ip: str, network: str, hostname: Optional[str] = None, remote_hostname: Optional[str] = None)

The bind_ip argument is the IP address that pyVoIP will bind its sockets to.

The network argument is used to know whether to use the hostname or remote_hostname when generating SIP requests to in-network and out-of-network devices respectively. Value must be a string with IPv4 CIDR notation.

The hostname argument is used to generate SIP requests and responses with devices within pyVoIP’s bind_network. If left as None, the bind_ip will be used instead.

The remote_hostname argument is used to generate SIP requests and responses with devices outside of pyVoIP’s bind_network. If left as None, pyVoIP will throw a NATError if a request is sent outside of pyVoIP’s bind_network.

get_host(host: str) -> str

This method return the hostname another client needs to connect to us.

check_host(host: str) -> AddressType

This method determine if a host is a remote computer or not.


The VoIPSocket class is the phone’s main SIP socket. It receives and processes all new dialogs, and all messages if using TransportMode.UDP.

class pyVoIP.networking.sock.VoIPSocket(mode: TransportMode, bind_ip: str, bind_port: int, sip: SIPClient, cert_file: Optional[str] = None, key_file: Optional[str] = None, key_password: KEY_PASSWORD = None)

The TransportMode argument is used to determine what communication protocol to use.

The bind_ip argument is the IP address that pyVoIP will bind its sockets to.

The bind_port argument is the port SIP will bind to to receive SIP requests.

The sip argument is a SIPClient instance reference.

The cert_file, key_file, and key_password arguments are used to load certificates in pyVoIP’s server context if using TLS for the transport mode. See Python’s documentation on load_cert_chain for more details.

get_database_dump(pretty=False) -> str

If using UDP, all messages and dialog states are stored in an in-memory sqlite3 database. This function will return a string with all entries from the dialogs (listening) table and unread messages (msgs) table. If pretty is set to true, it will use Python’s pprint module to make the test reader friendly for a print statement. If pretty is set to false, it will return JSON instead.

send(data: bytes) -> VoIPConnection

Creates a new connection / dialog, sends the data, then returns the socket.


The VoIPConnecion class is a wrapper for Python’s sockets. Since UDP, TCP, and TLS sockets all have different quarks in Python, this class consolidates everything into one interface. For UDP, VoIPConnection will pull messages from VoIPSocket’s database.

class pyVoIP.networking.sock.VoIPConnection(voip_sock: VoIPSocket, conn: Optional[SOCKETS, message: SIPMessage)

The voiop_socket argument is a VoIPSocket instance reference.

The conn argument is the underlying Python socket.

The message argument is the SIPMessage used to initate the dialog.

send(data: Union[bytes, str]) -> None

Sends data to the client. If data is a string, it will be UTF8 encoded first.

peak() -> bytes

Calls recv with peak set to true.

recv(nbytes=8192, timeout=0, peak=False) -> bytes

Receives the next nbytes from the socket. The timeout argument is in seconds, and if set to 0 it will not timeout. If the peak argument is set to True, it will receive the next nbytes from the socket and return them, however, the same data will be returned upon the next call of recv.

close() -> None

Closes the socket.